Criminal Conversation

刑事谈话是针对未经你同意与你的配偶发生性关系的人的侵权行为. 这一主张得到了少数几个州的承认. An experienced family law attorney, such as those here in Greensboro, 能帮我解决这个复杂的独特诉讼原因吗. 

为了更详细地描述犯罪对话索赔,这里有一些额外的信息. 从性接触之日起,你有三年的时间来采取行动. 这还不包括分手后发生的性行为. 你要求——通常是陪审团——判给你金钱损失. The amount a jury awards varies, 因为他们可以考虑多种因素——失去陪伴, loss of services, fear of sexually transmitted disease, injury to family honor, mental suffering, and humiliation. 

Getting down to the details, 刑事谈话索赔需要三个要素的证明才能成功. These include: (1) an actual legal marriage between the plaintiff and the allegedly adulterous spouse; (2) sexual intercourse between that adulterous spouse and the defendant during the legal marriage; and (3) the sexual intercourse must occur before the date of separation of the married spouses. 

对于一个假设性的例子和假设性的名字, 高地镇的伊森·约翰逊和贝丝·约翰逊合法结婚了. Several years into their marriage, 贝丝得知伊森一直在和他们隔壁的邻居睡觉, Tammy Phillips (hypothetical name). 贝丝可以起诉塔米犯罪谈话. 上面提到的所有因素都得到了满足:Ethan和Beth是合法结婚的, 塔米和伊森在伊森还和贝丝结婚的时候发生过关系, 在伊桑和塔米发生性关系的时候,贝丝和伊桑还没有分开.  

然而,如果你稍微改变一下事实,你就会得到不同的结果. 伊桑和贝丝决定申请皇冠足彩,伊桑搬到了自己的公寓. 几个月后,伊森开始和塔米发生性关系. 在这种情况下,贝丝在针对塔米的刑事谈话诉讼中不会成功. 尽管伊森和塔米的性关系发生在伊森和贝丝还合法结婚的时候, 此时伊森和贝丝已经分居了. 分居后的行为不能作为刑事谈话主张的依据. 因此,在处理这类诉讼原因时,时机是一个关键因素.

追究刑事谈话索赔的一个困难是证明第二个要素——性关系. 这更常被侦探证据所证实. 然而,在北卡罗莱纳,这也可以从实际情况推断出来. Two conditions must be proved in order to presume adultery: (1) the plaintiff must prove an adulterous disposition or inclination of the parties; and (2) the plaintiff must prove that there was an opportunity created to satisfy the parties’ mutual adulterous inclinations. 有确凿的证据由侦探获得双方之间的性关系比试图假定通奸更容易和更明确. 

你也可能被指控有犯罪行为,需要辩护. 有许多反诉和辩护. Book an appointment immediately. You may need us.